Our corporate philosophy has and will always be: To be the most reliable partner in reinsurance management services

Product & Service

Our Board

Yustinus Saleh, SH, AMRP

(President Commissioner)

Ir. Necklina Druhandani, AAAIK, APAI, QIP, AMRP


Ir. Edy Kamaludin, AAAIK, AMRP, APAI, CIIB, ANZIF (Snr Assoc), CIP

(President Director)

Dipl.-Ing. Jajang Kurniawan AAAIK


Anwar Subhan

(Re-insurance Senior Manager)

Nana Harifitriana

(Finance and Accounting Manager)

About Us


MURE is a fully license reinsurance brokers based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The company was granted a reinsurance brokers license by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (Financial Services Authority of Indonesia) on July 13, 2015 with registration number KEP/537/NB.1/2015.

MURE is a subsidiary of PT. Mitra Iswara & Rorimpandey (MIR). MIR is an independent insurance broking company and has been in the market for more than 40 years. MIR always maintains the position as a market leader during its entire establishment until this very day.

We offer expertise across wide range of various insurance classes with comprehensive and effective reinsurance program, placed to the reliable and reputable reinsurers in domestic and overseas market with minimum A- security rating and simultaneously driven to achieve a competitive price


To be the most reliable partner in reinsurance management services.


To always provide an experienced and dedicated team to serve the best interest of our clients.